Efficient and reproducible research with CBS microdata

About the workshop

The workshop will teach how to work efficiently with data from CBS (Statistics Netherlands), using its remote access environment. It is designed for people getting acces to the remote environment for the first time, or people who want to improve the efficiency and reproducibility of their workflows. Topics covered include project organization, principles for writing legible programs (in R, but people using other languages are encouraged to join as well; the principles apply to all languages), and to retrieve, store and configure data pipelines in a reproducible and understandable way.

There will be a 2 hour plenary session and a 1 hour consultation session, where specific questions will be adressed in small groups. Questions can be sent in advanced in the registration process.

Additional information
Friday, 19th April 2024, from 13.30h to 16.30h
Utrecht University, Administration building, room “Van Lier & Eggink”.
You can register here, and consult additional info, here. It is free of charge for ODISSEI organization members.
Erik-Jan van Kesteren, Assistant Professor at Utrecht University. Erik-Jan’s website
A link with all workshop materials can be found here.