
Are you an early-career social scientist eager to apply data science to relevant societal problems? Become a SoDa fellow!


During your time as a fellow:

  • you will spend between 3-5 months full-time* working on a social science research project.
  • you can propose your own project, based on your interests.
  • you are a member of the SoDa team at the Methodology & Statistics department of Utrecht University.
  • you will get a salary during this time, paid for by the team.
  • one of the senior team members will be your mentor.

To apply, you have to submit a short proposal for your project, together with a substantive supervisor. We are looking for projects in the social sciences for which a computational or data-related problem needs to be solved.

The next submission deadline is 15 Nov 2024

* part-time possible, but the project should be your main priority.

Learn more & apply